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  • Coatings...

    For a long time I steered clear of ceramic coatings, as I'd heard horror stories about them curing too fast or not levelling and being impossible to remove. Having to wet sand in order to correct the mistake. Another reason was I was totally in love with the look that Menzerna Powerlock was giving me at the time. In my mind, no ceramic coating could beat the absolute slickness that I was achieving with that polymer sealant.

    The best part about the detailing industry is that it is always evolving, with many companies researching and updating their products constantly. After a couple of years of being satisfied with my process, I watched a YouTube video highlighting CARPRO CQUARTS UK. I thought I'd give it a go and was totally impressed on how easy it was to apply, compared to the older coatings. The hydrophobic nature of the coating was also superior to my go to sealant, Powerlock. But.... it just didn't have the unbelievable feeling I got from brushing my hand across a freshly applied coat of Powerlock.

    A few weeks later an add for AvalonKing Armour Guard IX came up on my facebook feed. It was a good price so I thought, why not! This time, I was truly disappointed. The coating was very easy to apply but the results were just... disappointing. In my mind, coatings still needed improvement in order for me to make the change.

    I then came across a "Pan the Organiser" video highlighting Gyeon's latest coating update, Crystal Serum Light topped with Exo V4. I gave coatings one last try. It's safe to say, the results were freaking awesome! I still felt that sealants and wax's gave a slightly deeper gloss but the longevity and protection the ceramic coating offered was now too good to give up.

    Then Gyeon updated it's coating range to EVO. After a few of my professional friends starting saying how good it was, I had to give it a try! Gyeon MOHS topped with Skin is so so so good! The gloss is phenomenal and the water behaviour and longevity are perfect. My second go at stocking coatings is my best yet. You have to try it if you haven't already.

    It is also super easy to apply. If you can polish your car, you can apply this stuff. It's that easy.

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